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Spring Borscht

It’s called Spring Borscht, but be sure to make this in the Summer and Fall, when fresh beets can be found everywhere

  1. 10 to 12 medium beets, cubed or shredded
  2. 1 medium onion, chopped
  3. 3 to 4 medium carrots, chopped
  4. 1 medium potato, peeled and chopped
  5. 1 small cabbage, shredded
  6. 2 tbsp fresh chopped dill 30 mL
  7. 1 tbsp pickling spice 15 mL
  8. 1 10-oz (284 mL) can tomato soup
  9. Low-fat sour cream for garnish
  1. Place vegetables and spices in a 4-quart (4 L) Dutch oven, cover with water and cook until tender.
  2. (The pickling spices can be tied in a cheesecloth or placed in a tea leaf holder.)
  3. Add the tomato soup.
  4. Serve with 1 tbsp (15 mL) of sour cream.
  5. Serves 6.
  1. If the beets are mature, cook them in their skins, remove and cool. Pop off skins, cube or shred and add back to the soup.
The Best of Bridge

This recipe is available in the book The Complete Best of Bridge Cookbooks Volume Three.