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Christmas Cherry Cake

A delicious and never fail moist white cake, half the work of a regular Christmas cake and it freezes well

  1. 1 cup white sugar
  2. 1 cup butter
  3. 2 eggs, beaten
  4. 1/2 cup orange juice
  5. 2 cups flour
  6. 1 tsp. baking powder
  7. 12 oz. sultana raisins
  8. 8 oz. halved red glace cherries (or use half red and half green cherries)
  1. Cream butter and sugar. Add beaten eggs and orange juice.
  2. Sift four and baking powder. Reserve 1/3 cup of flour mixture and toss with raisins and cherries (This will keep them from sinking to the bottom of the cake.)
  3. Add floured raisins and cherries to dough.
  4. Bake in a large greased, wax paper lined loaf pan at 300 F. for 2 1/2 hours.
  1. Don’t serve until several days old. Wrap in plastic or foil wrap and store in a sealed container.
The Best of Bridge

This recipe is available in the book Best of Bridge Holiday Classics.

This recipe is available in the book The Complete Best of Bridge Cookbooks Volume One.